Gifted – In Context

One of the challenges I’ve found with my gifted children (especially the older one) is that I tend to forget her  chronological age. She and I will be having a deeply philosophical conversation about equal rights, or discussion the stock market or the housing crisis, and suddenly she’ll turn around and do something I perceive as really immature. It’s a bit jarring for my brain, and I find that  in that moment I have to remind myself that she is only 8. Continue reading


My daughter has always expressed a great amount of creativity, most of it channeled well. One thing I began to notice during our last year of school was a sudden disinterest in creativity. As though suddenly it wasn’t cool anymore for her to think up projects, or make up games. Around this time she also started coming home telling me she was bored all the time. Continue reading

How We Got Here

Three years ago when my daughter started kindergarten, I never thought I’d be where I am now. We moved to one of the best districts in our state when my eldest was one year old, assuming that we’d just enroll her in the district, no problem, game over.

It was far from that easy. We had many false starts, painful teachers conferences, and blame doled out by the spoonful, but mostly heaped on my child. She suddenly hated school. I remember vividly during thanksgiving break in Kindergarten her telling me she wished she never had to go back. I was flabbergasted, I mean, when I was in kindergarten I remember it being lots of fun, and pretty easy going. I was at a loss about what to do. Continue reading