Bumming Myself Out

Today, I’ve been resisting the urge to blog, since it’s the end of January in MN, which for those folks who aren’t in the know, means it’s cold, dreary and without enough light. This means I’m a little grouchy even on a good day.

With that as my disclaimer, I am launching in to a complaint session about our education system. I watched the documentary “Waiting for Superman” the other night (again) and while I realize, as with any documentary, there are always critics, and  others crying foul as in here.  I am not informed to launch an all out debate about the merits on any one movie. My point, simply here, is that there many things portrayed in this movie that ring a little too true to my life experience, and that frustrates me. Continue reading

To Home School or Not to Home School

Excuse us for the long absence. We’ve had a lot going on, and a lot more to think about. I’m beginning to feel that maybe homeschooling isn’t for us. I love the idea of homeschooling, I love her curriculum, I love seeing her passion and knowing that she’s truly understanding and grasping concepts.

However, as a realistic parent, I can tell that working full-time from home and trying to do school with her full-time is not a sustainable model, for either of us. Continue reading